Monday, April 23, 2012

Arrival in Aarhus Denmark

Sunday we waved goodbye to Helsinki and flew out over frozen lakes and arrived in Aarhus Denmark yesterday in the early afternoon.  Aarhus is the second largest city in Denmark.

A picture of the airport.

We were met by our gracious host Bjarne Moller-Madsen at the Aarhus airport and our bags were larger than his entire car! Our luggage took a taxi to the hotel and we took a great tour of Mols and the beautiful coastline between the airport and Aarhus - full of beautiful farms and windmills (historic and modern).

Here we are with Bjarne in the lobby of our hotel.  We are staying in a lovely hotel, the Helnan Marselis Hotel, which is situated on the shore with a view of the bay and the ships as they come in. 

This is a picture of the hotel from the website.

Our first day at Aarhus Universtiy Hospital started with danish and coffee for breakfast.

We had a morning of lectures by the PhD students and POSNA fellows.  This was filled with a lively exchange of ideas about research and treatment for the growth plate, OI, SCFE, and MPS.  We also learned Klane's ancestors are from a town not far away (Jens Jensen and family).

Here is Martin Gottliebsen who won the EPOS award for best basic science paper last week.

Juan Manuel Shiguetomi Medina from Mexico is a PhD student studying radiofrequency ablation and the growth plate.

Ole Rahbek smiles for the camera.  We also toured the Skejby Hospital laboratory where surgery is performed in the lab setting with state of the art ORs, imaging (all MRIs are 50% patient time, 50% research time), and lab equipment (MTS, confocal microscopy, histology, microCT).  Tonight is dinner at a local restaurant.  More blogging tomorrow.

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